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Don’t pour rice cooking water down the sink: why you do it wrong



We should never throw rice cooking water down the sink. Here is the reason.

In our diets, we often find the consumption of rice, this cereal popular in the dishes of Asian people that has also permeated our cuisine, becoming one of the most consumed foods.

Just think about how one of the latest culinary trends, poké  , has rice as a basic food and how its consumption has increased in recent years precisely thanks to this new food.

Rice: This is why you shouldn’t throw rice cooking water down the sink

Rice is very important for nutrition, as it can be a substitute for pasta, especially for those who are gluten intolerant and, therefore, need to obtain energy from other foods.

It is usually combined with legumes or vegetables, but even eaten naturally it is usually preferred with a little olive oil and some salt. We have always associated it in our collective imagination with the Chinese, Japanese or Korean people.

This is because, in  anime  and  manga,  seen and read, they have always given us a representation of the  smile  as an element of coexistence and favorite food of this population.

Now, however, we Italians also use it abundantly and rice has become one of the main foods in some typical recipes, such as Sicilian arancini di riso.

But not everyone knows that, when we go to cook rice, we make a serious mistake by throwing the cooking water down the sink. And the reason has nothing to do with possible deterioration of the sink.

But the reason is precisely that rice  is rich in elements useful for other purposes, and the cooking water could be valuable in solving many problems, especially aesthetic ones.

The different uses

By letting it cool after cooking the cereal, it can be used on most parts of our body to prevent irritation and redness of the epidermis by having a calming effect on our skin.

It also promotes skin elasticity and can be used as a natural anti-wrinkle, combating skin dryness. Mixing it with coconut oil you obtain a natural cosmetic product.

Rice cooking water is also useful for our hair skin. Using it as a natural mask will make your hair soft and silky and nourished and hydrated to the right extent if you use it as a conditioner.

But in addition to our body, rice cooking water can become an excellent herbicide for our garden. Its properties will make all weeds disappear and the plants will absorb its characteristics.

So, when we eat some rice  and are about to drain the water, think about how useful it could be and how much money it could save us, and maybe avoid throwing it away.

In addition, with rice cooking water , you can also make delicious meals, you just have to browse the Internet a little and see what dish you can prepare with it and delight the palates of your family or friends or

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